IT Security-HIPAA


 IT Security-HIPAA


Every day we hear about security breaches and Data compromise affecting small and large entities. Such breaches have so many implications on your operations. Therefore IT security is becoming a priority for all types of business regardless of size or industry. Imagine losing your customer’s stored information or becoming public.


What would be your cost to remedy such incursion?

Do you have a policy in place to prevent/limit such incursions?

Do you have a reporting system in case of an incursion?


Medical providers have more urgency to develop a comprehensive security plan to meet HIPAA/PHI compliance. Such compliance is mandatory for all medical professionals and their associates to safeguard Patient Health Information. While there is always a risk of a breach, Offices need to demonstrate that they took necessary steps to secure their data, have a compliance policy in writing, and have a breach notification process in case of need. As you may know, failure to comply will result in severe penalties.

At Teck Guru we assist you navigate thru the maze of rules and make your compliance a breeze. We handle either or both procedural and technical aspects of your compliance.


To answer these questions and more, please give us a call to schedule a free meeting to discuss your concerns.


Also our company provides a full IT service to small practices and business.

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